Board’s engagement with victim agencies and groups

Victim Services, Support and Reform

The Victim Services, Support and Reform (VSSR) in the Department of Justice and Community Safety delivers a range of support services for victims including the Victims Register and Victims of Crime Helpline.

The Adult Parole Board (the Board) meets quarterly with VSSR, in particular the Victims Register, to discuss operational and policy issues. The Board and VSSR have an information-sharing protocol that is reviewed regularly.

The Board also contacts the Victims Register daily about operational matters.

For more information about VSSR, visit (link opens in a new window).

Victims of Crime Consultative Committee

The Board has been represented on the Victims of Crime Consultative Committee since it was established in 2013.

The Victims of Crime Commissioner Act 2015 lists the committee’s functions as:

  • to provide a forum for victims of crime, justice agencies and victims of crime services to discuss improvements to policies, practices and service delivery in respect of victims of crime issues and victims of crime support services
  • to provide advice to the Attorney-General regarding policies, practices and reforms in respect of victims of crime issues and victims of crime support services
  • to promote the interests of victims of crime in the administration of the justice system
  • to provide advice on any matter referred to it by the Attorney-General.

The Victims of Crime Consultative Committee includes:

  • the Chairperson, currently a retired Justice of the Supreme Court
  • up to seven members who are victims of crime, appointed by the Attorney-General
  • the Victims of Crime Commissioner
  • representatives of every court jurisdiction including the Magistrates’ Court Victims of Crime Tribunal
  • representatives from the Board, Victoria Police and the Office of Public Prosecutions
  • representatives from organisations that provide services to victims of crime or other members appointed by the Attorney-General.

For more information about the Victims of Crime Consultative Committee, visit (link opens in a new window).